May 2, 2024


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10 On-Page SEO Techniques to Boost Rankings

SEO on-Page: How to optimize your page to rank well in search engines

Why is On-Page SEO important for a growing website? What is on-page SEO? Working with an on-page SEO provider near you would help you optimize your website better for a better chance of ranking up higher on the search engine ranking and invite more natural traffic into your website. Here are 10 on-page SEO techniques to boost rankings.

What is On-Page SEO?

On-Page SEO is a strategy that would effectively help you optimize your web page and help you rank up on the search engine rankings, things like title tag, internal linking, making use of your URLs, and what kind of content/quality of the content/ how often you put out content are all part of the on-page Search Engine Optimization.

What are the On-page SEO Activities?

  1. Internal linking

Having a good internal linking and a good internal linking structure is important because this could be used by other websites that would lead to your website. This would make sure that other audiences from other websites that are in the same niche as you could find you and consume your content as well, pressing equity across all over other pages. 

  1. Search intent
  • Visual intent

The visual intent includes image packs and video thumbnails, going to platforms that focus on images and visual search intent, platforms like Pinterest, Google images, and Instagram.

  • Research intent

This is when the page has phrases and keywords in it that could help generate some results on websites that are used for research purposes, like Wikipedia, carousels, featured snippets, and graphs.

  • Answer intent

Answer intent is when people search for this because they want quick, and easy-to-understand answers for the questions that they may have.

  • Transactional intent

This kind of intent is when people search these things up that they are interested in buying or products that they want to research.

  1. Core web vitals

You could use the core web vitals to try and measure the experiences of your users when it comes to your website and helps get some optimized sites for top stores that are not using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). When you optimize your site that is compatible with the core web vitals, then it would help you gain more prominence.

  1. Optimize page titles

When you are putting our content on your website, you have to make sure that each of them would be unique and make sure that they are descriptive so that your visitors would immediately know what they are about to read. 

In the search results, Google or other search engines would have to adjust how your title would look like when it would appear in the results and website browsers so having a title tag would be an effective way that you could do so that you could draw more people into your website and welcome natural traffic.

  1. URL Optimization

The address and the location of pieces individually on the web are what a URL is so naming your website and making sure it’s in the right format is something you should consider because it could impact how many people would be able to find you and if they would click on your website.

  1. Mobile-friendliness

You have to make sure that your website could be used on mobile devices since almost everyone uses their phones to search for things. When people use your website on their phones, you have to make sure that their user experience would not be affected whatsoever. Keep a close eye on all of the additional plugins that you could use on your site to make sure that it is compatible for people to use their phones. 

  1. Heading

You would usually find the heading up for the title of your page and when you are wiring your heading and you want to do it effectively, here are some tips that you could use to make sure that it sticks:

  • When you are using subheadings, you have to make sure you are using keywords and phrases that relate to your content.
  • You have to make your heading interesting and make sure that your audiences would already know what your content is about at just the first glance.
  • Use the heading hierarchy when you are presenting the users with some information.
  • When you are using heading tags, make sure that you are not using the same thing with multiple tags.
  1. External links

External links would be able to help people trust you and your content more because you are linking other websites and help you bring your foot down, especially when you are linking websites that are known and relevant to the niche that you are in. 

  1. Optimize meta descriptions

Adding meta descriptions on your posts are a way that could describe the content of the page that they are about to go in and they are also with the head tag. For unique searches, Google and other search engines would use your meta description for searches that are unique. 

  • Length

The length of the meta description is usually about 150 to 300 characters. Most search engines usually would truncate your meta description into 155 characters.

  • Relevance

When you are writing your meta description, you have to make sure that it is relevant to the content that is on the page, summarizing the content briefly.

  1. Sitemaps

Sitemaps are used to help other people navigate their way throughout your website so that they could go to the page that they are looking for directly. It carries a bunch of other URLs and metadata that could effectively bring your audiences around your site.

Using these on-page Search Engine Optimization techniques would help your website boost up in the popular search engine rankings like Goggles and Bing. Working with an SEO provider would bring you exactly the things that you may need that may seem unfamiliar to you.