May 18, 2024


Simply Consistent

My Windows XP is Too Slow – How to Make it Run Faster With Ease

At the beginning, I don’t know why my Windows XP is too slow. Unfortunately, that is the fact. And I am wondering how to make my it run fast without reinstalling the operating system and buying the RAM upgrade. Fortunately, now I know some special tips about how to speed up my Windows system. I definitely hope these can help the computer users who get in trouble with the problem like I met.

1. Disable or remove the unwanted programs on the startup.

There are a lot of executable files and applications which are automatically launched on the startup. It will take my computer lots of time to load these programs while it starts up. Therefore, I disable the unnecessary applications on the startup to speed up my computer because my Windows XP is too slow.

2. Make sure the Windows system is safe.

Obviously, Virus, Adware and Trojan infect the performance of Windows system so bad. If my Windows XP is too slow, they might be the main cause. In order to speed up my Windows XP, I install an outstanding security program to detect and clean up the malicious programs on my computer.

3. Scan and erase the corrupted and invalid Windows registry.

In fact, Windows registry is the most important reason if my Windows XP is too slow because it is the central control of the operating system and all programs on my computer. In order to avoid the program entries not responding and errors due to the invalid and corrupted registry, I use Windows registry cleaner to detect and clean up the invalid data in my computer registry with ease. And now, my computer runs fast.

I don’t need to fix the computer registry on the computer shop which will take me a lot of money. I just follow the steps of the registry cleaner and get rid of errors and corrupted Windows system from the registry.