Lifestyle – 8 Keys to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Gyms and aerobics classes are packed with enthusiastic and energetic seeming health fanatics at the beginning of every year as people implement their fitness goals for the year. Some of these people will lose steam as the reality of their normal routine sets in. Some will over – commit to an exercise regime they cannot sustain and yet others will simply decide that it is too much trouble. I have experienced it before particularly with jogging every morning to stay fit. I do not enjoy jogging so my enthusiasm will not last in that arena if I try. I would like to share eight lifestyle habits that will take care of you body, mind and soul in balanced fashion.

1. Drink plenty of water, do not miss meals, and eat fruits and vegetables. Let me emphasize the missing meals part. I am told by the medical profession that when someone is feeling hungry or its mealtime, the body prepares to receive its meal by releasing enzymes into the stomach and if there is no food to digest the acids begin to process the lining of the stomach and this will cause ulcers to develop.

2. Choose a fun way of exercising, something that you enjoy. Apart from doing weight training or joining an aerobics class, you can choose a sport that you really like and play it at social level. There are social volleyball clubs, social soccer or you can get together with your friends and take walks, runs or cycle.

3. Control the gates of your mind. Do not allow negativity to dominate your mind. There will always be something worrying to worry about. Do not dwell on such thoughts; they are a source of stress and depression.

4. Be comfortable in your own skin. The attempt at trying to please others or comparing yourself with them leads to unhealthy pursuit of unrealistic goals that will exhaust and exasperate you.

5. Birds fly because they take themselves lightly, maintain a sense of humor, do not lose your sense of wonder and see the world through the eyes of an eight year old sometimes.

6. Develop your capacity that is mental and physical fitness. The demands placed upon these increases as you grow older and take on more responsibility.

7. Keep your promises to yourself and your loved ones. That’s a sure way to avoid the pain of regret.

8. Staying spiritually fit helps you deal with the challenges of live that the body and mind do not have the scope to solve.

Your health and fitness is not just about your body, but it pertains to a balanced lifestyle. Set some lifestyle goals today.

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